WORTH READING 30 April 2007
-By Ineke Van Lint
Sometimes a WINNER might not have all the required competencies and on
some other occasions, every competent person may not be a WINNER.
It is the enthusiasm which can make a person, a WINNER. Nothing to beat
if a competent person is enthusiastic and comes out a WINNER. Enthusiasm
is essential prescription for achieving a WIN.
Enthusiasm is one of the most divine feelings we can experience.
Enthusiasm is energy vibrating at the highest level, energy vibrating in
tune with creation. When we are feeling enthusiasm, we are on the cruise
ship of divinity. This divine feeling of excitement is your reward for
heading towards your true soul purpose. You will never feel enthusiasm
when you are doing the "wrong" thing with the "wrong" people at the
"wrong" time. When you are off track, you will feel emptiness, fatigue,
depression, frustration and anger. Enthusiasm is what lets you know that
you are right on track with your life.
The word < Enthusiasm > has its roots in the Greek language; it
literally means < the God within >. The etymology of the word reminds us
of the divine source of the feeling called enthusiasm. An enthusiastic
person is someone who is positively possessed, in an extraordinary
fashion, by the spirit of God.
Enthusiasm equals passion.
It is the thrill and tremble you feel when you take the risk of being
Enthusiasm is a wave emanating from the soul, lifting you up and taking
you along.
It is the very Life Energy that freely flows through you when you dare
to be yourself!
Enthusiasm can be seen in the twinkling of your eyes, the determination
in your step, the strength in your hands, the irresistible energetic
pull of what you have decided to create.
When you feel enthusiastic, nothing can stop you! You must and will go
on, no matter what others are pulling out of their hat to try to stop
you. When you are working towards your goal with enthusiasm, nothing can
hold you back. You jump out of bed early in the morning because your
goal, your dream, is calling you. The entire day you are working for the
achievement of your goal, losing track of time without feeling hungry.
You live in another dimension, carried along and aloft by a divine
energy. The material details of life seem small and insignificant and
they can no longer distract you, for you have more important things to
do. You have a veritable Life Goal, something that entails your whole
being and your whole doing.
When you are one with your Life Goal, you feel a divine energy carrying
you; it is called enthusiasm. You are still in this world, but you are
no longer of this world. You are able to accomplish large amounts of
work that others may consider humanly impossible. It is this very divine
energy flowing through you that enables you to accomplish the
Enthusiasm is the elevating force that lifts your dreams up to the
The world evolves by grace of the powerful thrust of highly motivated,
enthusiastic people.
Enthusiasm is the wondrous engine of life!
Enthusiasm is directly linked to passion. You have to find your passion
in order to feel enthusiasm. You won't be able to generate enthusiasm by
endlessly repeating a lousy job you hate. You have to stop doing the
things you hate, the things you don't like, the things that drag your
energy vibration down. You have to start doing what you like doing, what
you have always liked doing since you were a kid, things that boost your
energy, things you can lose yourself in while doing them, things that
totally absorb you and make you lose track of time, make you forget
about the details of daily routine.
This passion is your birthright - go look for it. I can help you find
your passion if you want to find and claim it. Visit my website and find
out how to discover your passion in life!
In closing I present to you a few quotes from celebrities:
A man dies for the first time, the day he loses his enthusiasm. -
Honnore de Balzac
All great moments in world history are due to the triumph of enthusiasm.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson
A person incapable of enthusiasm is a mediocre person. - Honroe de
Enthusiasm surfaces when you strive with dedication towards worthy
goals. And it is enthusiasm that frees the energy and the power. -
Woodrow Wilson
Enthusiasm carries the spirit towards sublime thoughts, surprising and
true. - De Piles
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